A sworn translation is an official translation of a document that has been certified by a sworn translators signature and seal. For countries that require sworn translations – such as Spain, Germany, France and the Netherlands – a sworn translator is often accredited by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. To translate important legal documents, the translators will need to receive accreditation by either obtaining a degree in translation or interpretation, or by passing exams offered by the Foreign Ministry. For countries that require sworn translations, we only use translators who are fully qualified and fully accredited by all the appropriate authorities.
Sworn translations are often required for many documents including certificates, court decisions, marriage certificates, divorce certificates, wills, diplomas, licenses and other similar formal documents. A sworn translation will ensure that these documents are still accepted from a legal point of view after having been translated. All sworn translations, however, need to be presented in a format where they are accepted in the target country.
The UK doesn’t use sworn translation although there are systems of accreditation in place that are recognised by certain institutions. Our certified translations are accepted by courts and government agencies throughout the UK. At EK translations our dedicated staff will advise you whether your document needs to be sworn or not. Our experienced staff will guide you through which type of translations you require, and will ensure that your request is carried out quickly and efficiently, minimising your costs as much as we can.