Portuguese Translation
Since Poland joined the EU in 2004 there has been a steady influx of Polish workers into the UK, and according to the Office of National Statistics (August 2011) there are around half a million Polish-born people currently resident in the UK.
This has led to an increasing need for Polish translators. English to Polish / Polish to English translators are playing an increasingly important role in breaking down communication barriers and opening up dialogue between communities.
Polish is the most widely spoken of the West Slavic languages and the international business world recognizes Polish as an important upcoming language. It is hard to ignore the presence of the Polish economy in the international sector and doing business with Polish companies is a growing trend. As this trend continues to grow, a wide variety of English to Polish / Polish to English translation services are required to guarantee the smooth running of daily operations.
We can also provide private clients with services such as legal document and certificate translation.
For a quick quote click here, or to discuss your project in more detail call us on: 0121 616 5067 or email us at: info@ektranslations.co.uk